Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Constitution Has Been Suspended: Government By Executive Order & Menaces 

It was not Congress who sent Japanese citizens to concentration camps on February 19, 1942, it was the action of one individual...the President. Congress didn't have the votes to pass a law of such a criminal and unconstitutional nature, therefore it was left to the executive branch of government to carry out the breech of civilized jurisprudence, requiring the action of one solitary individual. The policy to segregate Japanese Americans from other Americans was the result of Executive Order 9066.

What is even less known is that executive orders are directives (not laws) reserved only to executive branch personnel...they have no bearing on civilians who (1) don't work for the government; or (2) are off-duty from government work:

Executive orders are not legislation. The President has the sole power to direct his or her executive branch as they please, and an executive order is just one of the tools in the toolbox. It also happens to be one of the most formal, which is why we hear about them the most.

Similar executive orders are being issued today throughout the Republic, thereby facilitating the overthrow of the Constitution. Illegal and moot executive orders are being issued by Governors and Mayors to wear dangerous masks, close businesses, or telling businesses how many customers they may have. These are all illegal, and moot by the way, whereby fake fines are said to be issued to violators. I live in Washington, DC and walk the streets unmolested without a mask, because the police have been told by their union to take no actions on 'violators' of the mask mandate: 

The D.C. Police Union president tells FOX 5 their members were told they cannot enforce COVID-19 executive orders

The DCPD union directive to its members is to ensure that the DCPD and its officers aren't sued for civil rights violations. 

In Orchard Park, Buffalo last November health inspectors and police were thrown out of a gym by its owner and owners of fifty businesses and their supporters who were present at the gym discussing the governor's regulations that have closed gyms, salons and other businesses deemed nonessential.

The authorities had showed up at the gym to enforce a ten customer directive from the governor, but since they had no legal authority to enforce any such policy, the authorities had no alternative but to leave the establishment. 

NJ gym owner Kyle Newell had enough with Governor Philip Murphy's society-destroying illegal (and moot) executive orders, and reopened his business in May. Authorities threatened arrest and fines, but Kyle didn't buckle under the pressure. Naturally the authorities caved, because they had no legal recourse to do otherwise.

When individuals stand their ground, and instead of giving into government threatened menaces that don't actually exist, the authorities themselves are intimidated and have no choice but to back down. This informs us that when news accounts of arrests and fines are being employed, those are false flag operations meant to intimidate the public into compliance with illegal (and moot) executive orders. 

Historical Backstory Not Directed To Your Attention During School Days

(1) The West conspired to not VERIFY the 'collapse' of the USSR, even though the survival of the West depended on verification should the 'collapse' be a ruse, which proves (1) there was no 'collapse' of the USSR, because if there had been a 'collapse' the West would have immediately VERIFIED the 'collapse'; and (2) the West's institutions were co-opted by Marxists, explaining the West's enabling of the fake 'collapse' of the USSR…quod erat demonstrandum.

(2) The World War I Allies never did immediately send a naval expedition to Petrograd to easily topple Lenin & Bolshevik's November 7, 1917 coup, thereby promptly returning Russia to the war, Russia's involvement in the war being a critical variable for the Allies' victory strategy against the Central Powers, proving (a) that the Allies knew they were going to win the war; (b) that the war was set up to (i) weaken the West's influence in the world; (ii) weaken the West's people's confidence in their institutions and what those institutions stood for; and (c) one objective of the war was to settle into power the first above board Marxist state, with more to follow. In fact, there already was an anti-Marxist force in Russia at the time that if ordered would have conquered all of Bolshevik Russia during this period when the Bolsheviks were very weak. The unit was the 60,000 strong Czechoslovak Legion (soon to be 100,000 strong) but instead of sending the legion 700 miles north to Petrograd, the Allies sent it on a 6,000 mile odyssey across Russia to Vladivostok for evacuation to Europe(!), once again proving the Allies knew they were going to win the war...that the war was a Marxist operation.*

(3) "On the initiative of the KGB, an army of Soviet vigilantes five million strong, the so-called 'druzhiny', was recruited from among the Komsomol activists. Their units were led by retired Chekists. They have been patrolling and policing the streets of all the Soviet cities. Their primary task has been to prepare the Soviet people to 'behave' during the forthcoming 'liberalisation'." - KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, March 1989, pp. 14-15.

Hence why...

(4) Leningrad Oblast (Province) is still named Leningrad Oblast! Engels City is still named Engels City! Engels Air Force Base is still named Engels Air Force Base! Russian military personnel still refer to each other as “Comrade”! Kaliningrad Oblast is still named Kaliningrad Oblast! The State Emblem of the Soviet Union is atop the Duma building, and illuminated at night for clear viewing! Soviet Red Stars are still attached to the bows of Russian naval ships! The Hammer & Sickle logo is still on Aeroflot commercial aircraft! Not one statue to Lenin has been destroyed in Russia, where out of the 3,000 still standing throughout Russia, only a handful have been carefully taken down (in locations where tourists frequent) and hidden away in parks and museums, the remainder of these monstrosities to Russian nationalism/Russian Orthodox Church rubbing historical salt into still open wounds of Russian nationalists! The Russian ‘electorate’ are only ‘electing’ for president Soviet era communist party member Quislings, who persecuted the 85% of the religious population held captive by the Communist Party during the ‘Soviet era’!

*Even more telling is neutral Denmark's laying mines off its coastal waters in international waterways in August, 1914 [thereby violating the 1857 treaty opening the Danish Straits to all shipping, where, “No ship of any kind may, under any pretext whatsoever, be subjected to detention or obstruction at the passage of the Sound or the Belts”] at the prompting of Germany (Germany too lays mines in the Danish Straits) and Great Britain does nothing! Not a word from the Allies (and the usual deafening silence from the Marxist co-opted press), in fact, even though access to the Baltic Sea is critical for the Allies to roll up Germany quickly by (a) closing the Baltic Sea to all German surface/subsurface vessels; (b) denying German access to trade with Sweden; (c) bringing the Royal Navy and the Imperial Russian Navy together; (d) forcing Germany to relocate critically needed infantry divisions and heavy armaments away from the Western Front for the new Baltic Front; (e) allowing British and Russian troop landings across the Baltic coasts, preventing German forces from moving eastwards towards Russia; thereby (f) knocking Germany out of the war before one shot is fired.


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