Wednesday, October 4, 2017
(Updated 5/16/18)
The Incapacitation Operation: North Korea's Fraudulent Claims Of Nuclear Tests Used To Solidify The United States' Impotence In The World
September 6, 2017 North Korean claimed nuclear detonation...
Click picture for article.

...and the initial spike for the September 2017 event can itself be divided into two spikes, where we see energy output is greater for the second spike. A nuclear detonation's energy output can only be at its greatest magnitude at the beginning; a nuclear detonation can't decide to arbitrarily increase it's energy output with the passage of time! In fact, the third general spike too violates the laws of physics with greater energy output than the second general spike!
Seismic data for January 6, 2016 North Korean claimed nuclear detonation...
Click picture for Daily Mail article.
...where the seismic data informs that a non-nuclear generated earthquake took place. North Korea announces fake nuclear tests to coincide with earthquakes, and the West's enabling of North Korea's claims of conducting nuclear tests is one of many empirical proofs evidencing the Marxist co-option of the West's institutions, and is being used to spotlight the impotence of the West in the face of North Korea's provocations, thereby providing the rationale for a new transnational entity to assume the reins of global security:
...where the seismic data informs that a non-nuclear generated earthquake took place. North Korea announces fake nuclear tests to coincide with earthquakes, and the West's enabling of North Korea's claims of conducting nuclear tests is one of many empirical proofs evidencing the Marxist co-option of the West's institutions, and is being used to spotlight the impotence of the West in the face of North Korea's provocations, thereby providing the rationale for a new transnational entity to assume the reins of global security:
"The phrases 'From the Atlantic to the Urals', 'From the Atlantic to Vladivostok' and 'From Vancouver to Vladivostok' are interchangeable in the strategists' lexicon. In the course of his Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, delivered in Oslo in June 1992, Gorbachev said: 'Our [sic] vision of the European space from the Atlantic to the Urals is not that of a closed system. Since it includes the Soviet Union [sic], which reaches to the shores of the Pacific, it goes beyond nominal geographical boundaries'. Note that Gorbachev, who had been out of office for six months, referred to the Soviet Union, not Russia. In an interview on Moscow Television on 19 November 1991, Eduard Shevardnadze continued speaking as though he was still Soviet Foreign Minister: 'I think that the idea of a Common European Home, the building of a united Europe, and I would like to underline today, of great Europe, the building of Great Europe, great, united Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, including all our territory, most probably a European-Asian space, this project is inevitable. I am sure that we will come to building a united military space as well. To say more precisely: we will build a united Europe, whose security will be based on the principles of collective security. Precisely, collective security'. These statements by key implementers of the strategy reflect the central strategic objective of asserting 'irreversible' Russian/Soviet hegemony over Eurasia, thus establishing the primary geographical component of the intended World Government."
Comrade Gorbachev [1992], meet President Vladimir Putin [2012]...
“Russia is an inalienable and organic part of Greater Europe and European civilization. Our citizens think of themselves as Europeans. We are by no means indifferent to developments in united Europe...That is why Russia proposes moving toward the creation of a common economic and human space from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean - a community referred by Russian experts to as "the Union of Europe," which will strengthen Russia's potential and position in its economic pivot toward the "new Asia.”’
North Korea faking nuclear tests and the West's enabling response for those fraudulent nuclear tests isn't the only game being played here. North Korea is also faking its SLBM tests, and the North Korean SLMB forged presentations leave a lot to be desired...
North Korea, it turns out, actually conducted several tests of its submarine-launched missile system. They all failed. Their rockets all blew up well before they ever reached a trajectory where they might actually work as advertised, an academic expert review concluded Tuesday...North Korea simply patched together pieces of video from all the failed tests, pretended the launch actually worked, spliced in some old SCUD missile footage to cover over the catastrophic failures, created one composite video purporting to show that the test worked, and then released it to global media who all covered it somewhat breathlessly during the slow holiday news period.
Naturally our Marxist politicians in Washington, DC and other Western capitals covered for North Korea, expressing shock and indignation at North Korea's boldness...
To recap: North Korea says it has both an H-bomb and the ability to launch it with an SLBM. World leaders and presidential candidates react accordingly. Media declare that North Korea's blustery leader has arrived on the world's diplomatic stage. But scientists say that the underground test of the H-bomb isn't real or possible. And two academic reviews say the SLBM test was a crude propaganda fake.
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