March 6, 2019

The Human Being Continuum: Science

Image result for a fetus is a human being pictures

“A human being can't create itself, it must be a spontaneous creation, and that spontaneous creation only occurs at conception.” – Dean Michael Jackson (2019). 

Let's apply the Supreme Court's viability doctrine to an individual on medical life support:

Since the patient isn't viable if taken off life support, therefore there's no inherent moral qualm in disconnecting medical life support.

The Supreme Court identified itself as a vulgar Marxist institution with its psychotic 'viability doctrine'. The baby is surly viable if brought to term, just as the patient on medical life support is surly viable if life support isn't interrupted.

The foci of human existence is a cell with 23 paired chromosomes that will initiate human development. This is the essence - beginning - of a human being, a spontaneous generation not requiring arbitrary legal definitions, just biology.

Everything needed for post womb life is there at conception with fertilization. As such a human being continuum must exist between that first cell and adulthood, otherwise human beings can't exist; the post womb dividing line is arbitrary.

There can be no break in the human being continuum of fertilization and adult, just as there can be no break in gravity, time, and space. A human being isn't an arbitrary legal creation of man's choosing, it's a biological fact of science, and that scientific beginning must be at conception; a human being can't create itself, it must be a spontaneous creation, and that spontaneous creation only occurs at conception.

The Human Being Continuum: Philosophy

Civilization requires that humans be inconvenienced. Barbarism is behavior that glorifies convenience, and on this issue the convenience is infanticide. In fact, civilization requires that humans strive for higher standards of virtue, since to fail in such striving is to express contempt for virtue and enhanced civilization.

Additionally, Christian/Jewish/Muslim civilization can't exist long when infanticide is State policy, since God knew us before we were born, a fact that Satanists know full well:

Satanists desire to upset God's injunction to be fruitful and multiply by creating societal sabotage operations such as infanticide. We're told by Marxists (the rank and file that make up the Marxist establishment are manipulated by a leadership class, Satanists, feigning they are also Marxists) that human life begins at birth. Really? How does that magic work? As the baby comes into the world, does the scalp first become human, followed by the rest of the head, while the remainder of the 'it' is still inside the womb? Or does the whole body have to enter the world before the 'it' becomes a human? See how convoluted are Satanists? Their ludicrous societal sabotage operations can't pass the logic hurtle, but certainly does pass the hilarious hurtle! 

The human being starts as one cell, otherwise there can't exist men, women or children. Human beings don't spontaneously exist when they exit the womb. 


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