Wednesday, January 6, 2021 (Updated & Revised April 11, 2021) Shamanism And Incantations: The Magic That Turned A DNA Sequence Amplification Tool Into A Decades-Long Fraudulent Diagnostic Tool: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Life Technologies alerted consumers at the bottom of each odd-numbered page to their handbook Real-time PCR handbook ... For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. PCR is an amplification tool only, it can’t detect/identify. Only a blood culture taken directly from one's blood can identify a virus where otherwise the blood is pristine, not a PCR swab to the back of a contaminated throat where thousands of independent and dissimilar viral [nucleotide] sections exist . Now we have empirical proof that a non-test is being misused as a test - rtPCR - i n order to ensure that the COVID-19 'pantasy' is a permanent, year-long, disease,* where swabs are used in the back of contaminated throats teaming with thousands of independent vir...